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Sankha® Management Training Center


Our primary training environment is called:

Sala Vista da Serra

Sala Vista da Serra

A client of Sankha FinancialCenter® - Management Training Center can determine the best place to hold the presencial course or consulting project.

The location options are:

1) Sankha FinancialCenter® company headquarters located in downtown São Paulo;

2) An "in-company" set-up inside the client´s company; or,

3) "off-site" in a Hotel, for example (additional rental expense is paid separately by the client).

The choice of training environment is influenced by the course format, the size of the group and, the needs of the "stakeholders" involved.

We start with our Sala Vista da Serra, a client guarantee that the course will be held on the date promised as agreed to on the registration form.

We provide personalized training whether for one participant, a small group or larger group of participants (the client always has a guarantee that the course will be held

in addition to a guarantee of satisfaction with Sankha FinancialCenter®).

At Sankha FinancialCenter® we offer our clients, through the division Sankha® Management Training Center, a place to conduct a presencial course

at our wholly owned company headquarters. The presencial course will be conducted in an environment and format similar to a professional meeting in an atmosphere

that is modern, vintage and comfortable all at the same time, in which antique furniture and other pieces from around the world are combined from the owner´s personal collection.

When you hire Sankha FinancialCenter® the client accepts the following parameters regarding the training room "Vista da Serra":

1) Courses are conducted with the first confirmed participant, even if there is only one participant registered for the course;

2) A modern, top-quality environment which has been renovated maintaining several aspects of the original construction;

3) A training environment using top-quality home-style furniture, including antiques, in the format of a professional meeting place;

3) Formal area for coffee-breaks inside the room "Vista da Serra" distinctly separate and to the side of the area used for meetings and training;

4) Panoramic view of the city of São Paulo from the balcony on the 23rd floor which is part of the room called "Vista da Serra."

The format of the training, depending on the topic, may include:

1) Teaching of the course structured in the format of a professional meeting (area and furniture illustrated in the photos);

2) Workshop format in which an antique dining table made from extint Jacarandá wood may be used (illustrated in the photos);

3) Presentations in Powerpoint and use of a wide-screen and projector when necessary (illustrated in the photos);

4) Use of presentation manuals, workshop manuals and exercise sheets;

5) Group simulations;

6) Individual exercises and/or exercises conducted with group participation;

7) Internet navigation of the e-Kit provided with the course materials;

8) Illustration of pertinent website sources on the Internet;

9) Reading of a Case Study or article as part of the presencial course content;

10) A short walk on foot to the downtown financial district (for lunch in a first rate restaurant);

11) A short tour inside the modern BOVESPA public exposition which may require assisting a 3D movie of short duration and walk through the museum of BOVESPA history.

Sala Vista da Serra - is an elegant, comfortable and high quality training environment located on the 23rd floor of the

Edifício José Paulino Nogueira, a renovated historical building. The same architect for the Municipal Theatre, Francisco de Paula Ramos de Azevedo,

through the architectural office Ramos de Azevedo, is the same architectural firm for our historical building, built in 1943, the Edifício José Paulino Nogueira.

The training room Vista da Serra was renovated completing the renovation project in the year 2011. We preserved the historical origins

of the original edifice such as the doors and built-in cabinets made of Jacarandá wood, now extinct.

During the coffee-break the client will be able to appreciate, from the varanda, a spectacular panoramic view

of the city of São Paulo and the distant mountain range Serra da Cantareira.

Get to know more about our training environment by perusing the following photos:


Sala Vista da Serra (Management Training Room)


Coffee-Break Area - Examples, Sala Vista da Serra


Coffee Area, Sala Vista da Serra


Personal hygiene Area for Clients


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